March 18, 2022

Sierra Nevada opens La Laguna area 


Sierra Nevada has put into service today the area of La Laguna de las Yeguas with what the Granada winter resort has, for the first time this season, all its open areas and, from tomorrow with the planned opening of the Laguna chairlift, will offer the complete unevenness of its skiable domain.

The opening of the Lagoon, after several attempts during the last weeks, has been possible thanks to the snowfall of recent days, which have allowed to increase the thicknesses in several of the weak points that until now made its opening unfeasible. The departure from that area, the preferred area of expert skiers is made this Friday by the Dílar chairlift.

With the entry of La Laguna in the snow part (at first with the slopes Puerta Laguna, Trucha and Cuesta de las Artesillas), Sierra Nevada reaches the maximum skiable length of the season with 75 kilometers (94 tracks) and the 1,200 meters of unevenness that separate the upper station of the Laguna chairlift (upper part of the Trout slope) and Pradollano. In the coming days, the train drivers of the station will be evaluating the possibility of incorporating new tracks to the snow part. Also, the black tracks are open again: Fuente del Tesoro, Enebro, Tubo del Enebro and El Paso.

After the episode of Saharan dust at the beginning of the week -especially intense in the lower half of the ski area-, the resort has received new snow precipitation that has allowed to increase thicknesses in all areas (up to 50 centimeters of new snow in the upper parts), which has improved ski conditions.

Sports competitions

In the sports field, this weekend will take place the XV Santiveri Sierra Nevada Trophy of Ski & Adapted Snowboard, Cto. of Andalusia Physically Disabled, on March 19 (training) and 20 (competition) organized by the Also Foundation with the sponsorship and collaboration of Santiveri, CETURSA Sierra Nevada, El Corte Inglés, FADI, FADDF, Laboratorios ROVI, CAIXABANK. The competition, in which the best in their category will participate together with novice runners, will take place on the Violetas de la Loma de Dílar track.

This season as a novelty and paying tribute to her for her charisma and personality, in addition to the years linked to the Foundation Also, the Trophy acquires the denomination "Memorial Blanca Fernández Ochoa" and will be attended by her sister Lola Fernández Ochoa, who takes over as godmother of the Competition Team and will act as an opener with David, Blanca's son.

Also in the Loma de Dílar, on the Prado de las Monjas track, tomorrow, March 19, the KombiRace (Giant and Supergiant Slalom) of the Audi Quattro Cup - Carolina Ruiz Challenge 2022 will be held, in which children's runners of the U8, U10 and U12 categories will compete, organized by FADI, Ski Club Granada and RFEDI.

On Sunday, March 20, the Giant Slalom competition will take place, again on the Prado de las Monjas slope, of the 2nd Phase of the Andalusian Cup Children's Alpine Skiing U8-U10-U12 White Camps Trophy.