Of the total of employees, approximately 60 boys and girls between the ages of 19 and 23 are participating in a training course for auxiliary and volunteer staff, organized by the UGR Mediterranean Center and coordinated by the director of Montaña de Cetursa Sierra Nevada, Eduardo Valenzuela.
Volunteers are divided into areas especially related to their capabilities and personal interests, assisting in the Competition Secretariat, Career Office, distribution of information at goal, access control, anti-doping control, or logistical work in contact with snow on pistes (drifts, networking, etc.), holding parallel activities (concerts, animation in meta area, etc.), or the press and marketing department.
The other large volunteer block consists of about 40 MOE (Special Operations Command), UME (Military Emergency Unit), MADOC (Earth Army Training and Doctrine Command), and Air Force Wing 78, who have been working for days on the construction of the circuit and the placement of all the safety elements of the circuit.
They are, in short, a fundamental part of the celebration of this international event in the Sierra Nevada ski resort, which has always aroused a lot of interest among young people with the organization of events of this draught. In fact, some of them repeat experience, having previously collaborated in the development of competitions such as the Sierra Nevada 2017 World Snowboard and Ski Championships, or the Universiada 2015.